' YouTube; The Gnostic WorldView '
' Live Your Truth. Do Not Seek, or Do Not Take Advantage of Each Other;
Always Seek Mutual Consent with One Another ...

True Goodwill, Good Karma; by and of itself is intrinsically Good ... '

The Future; Monarchs manage it; Sons of G-D Create it.
The union of a Soul with Spirit, in a Form ( flesh ); produces Consciousness
' The Son aspect '.

..." The Pleroma Most High Father IS Love "... " The Pleroma Most High Father Loves All Equally "...

The Prime Universal Law is very simple:
All beings are Sovereign and have free will to express their creative energies in any way they choose; no being has the right to violate and harm others.
-- by Cameron Day

The Holy Trinity

Spirits are androgynous intelligent energy that dwells in the visible and nonvisible parts of the Multiverse.
Spirits can and do manifest themselves to Us and must be regarded, first of all, as;
"Masculine and Feminine" Principle.
" Feminine Principle " is a Nurturing-Preserving Force, and the " Masculine Principle " is a Creative Force;
the Feminine Principle works the same way within the Father and the Son.

" The Ascent of Mind and the Descent of Wisdom "
"... The culmination of the vision, the via imitationis or way of assimilation, transcends philosophy for mysticism or ecstasy. Since it involves contemplative imitation of the virtues of which the divine is the source, and since his only virtue is oneness, aloneness, tranquillity and absolute goodness, the via imitationis is the ascetic way, a purgative stripping away of all powers of soul and intellect a self-concentration into pure solitariness where no object of knowledge exists outside the knower. At this point, to know is not to know ..." ~John D. Turner, PhD

" Gnostic Antecedents of Jung’s Key Concepts "

Because individual passages of the New Testament could have up to four
layers of Allegorical meaning;
I believe in the existence of "The Pleroma" and "The Spiritual Multiverses".

" My Pleroma and The Esoteric Multiverses "

My Pleroma-Multiverse
My Multiverse

  I love all spirits;
any spirits; all of them have
a unique place, and a unique function to perform,
in the entire multiverse.

 Because of the good works;
see Fravashi-Spirit-Atman, Urvan as Soul,
see Atman-Self-Fravashi-Spirit.

 I believe that "The Middle" spirits ( Souls ); at the end of times, ultimately will be offered a unique re-constructive process and acquire a Divine status of
The Pleroma and joined with
Aeons to " The One ".

My manifestation of
" The Pleroma and The Esoteric Multiverses ";
the way I see it.

Inspired by;
  ' As for the present time, for the last fifteen years, the Feminine-Principle manifested Herself to me as The-Holy-Ghost, in a feminine form. It happened in my spiritual enlightenment; initiated and conducted by the spirit world; entirely predetermined, in English only; where I could not exchange a single word in my native language. Several times a day, always at the same time, in Her soft-whisper feminine voice, She gently called me by my nickname. Every time, not even once missed, She always preceded Her opposite polarity Coequal Masculine-Principle, who, in turn, was interacting with me as a Male, but always after Her initial call. '

    "Enlightenment is a destructive process.
It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier.
    Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth.
It's seeing through the facade of pretense.
It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. "
-- Adyashanti

  Unmanifest Absolute: A. Aspect - A, is  The Pleroma, as per Valentinianism protological philosophy, The Higher Ogdoad.

The Highest Spiritual Dimensions and The Highest Level of Spiritual Consciousness;
The Fullness, The Perfection.

  Upper Aeons are Androgynous pairs; opposites in perfect balance with each other, those are qualities of The Pleroma. Therefore, leading to both, all at the same time; Nothingness and Fullness.

As the Basilides said: " We are distinguished from The Pleroma; we are confined within time and space. When we do distinguish qualities of The Pleroma, we are speaking from the ground of our distinctiveness and concerning our distinctiveness. "

See also The Unmanifest Absolute. Which I consider to be the center of; " Prisca Theologia ".


"... It is indicated that consciousness is imparted to humanity through the projection of divine coded Light that is crystalline, coherent, and intelligible. It is further elucidated that Light is composed of consciousness particulates that manifest themselves as ' units of consciousness, ' giving sentience to humans, who possess the capacity to ' contain ' such units of consciousness. Strictly speaking, Light is received and stored in our ethereal aura in the form of a pool of plasma comprised of negatively charged ions [anions] and positively charged ions [cations]. ..."
see Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness.

 As of now, I also belive that non "Middle" spirits will be offered a special re-constructive process and transferred to higher consciousness part. Managed by the " Feminine-Principle " known as "Wisdom" or "Sophia-Achamoth" located in " the void ", which is located below "The Pleroma"; known as the manifested absolute, "The Kenoma".

" What is enlightenment? What is that state of Cosmic Consciousness, the ultimate awareness called variously - enlightenment, nirvana, satori, samadhi, self-realization, rapture, salvation, ascension, unity consciousness, voidness, and many other terms by many various religions? It is the goal of life, the ultimate destination of every individualized being. It is brought about when the individual personality ascends beyond the illusionary perception of self separateness to merge in
the Universal Self from which it originated so very long ago.
Spiritual evolution towards this goal takes place over ages but the final ascent of Spirit can happen in an instant of time. "; Cosmic_harmony....

   I also read in one of the Dr. Michael Newton book that a most advanced soul he did ever encounter in his 35 years career as a hypnotherapist, in her hypnotic seance told him; the sine wave like, undulating sound creates all of the universe energies, including light ( think, String Theory ). She said, similar to a Mother singing to Her Baby. Also, similar souls; in a distance can see beautiful geometrical structures but only when they combine theirs thought efforts.

The Pleroma Aeons are creators of many Spiritual Multiverses; each spiritual multiverse is home to 7 spiritual universes, each spiritual universe is home to 7 spiritual dimansions; that makes The Pleroma expandable to infinity, Aeons.

  Aeons, together with " The Highest Source " from which they emanate they form the Pleroma, or Fullness of " The Most High Father ", and thus The Aeons should not be seen as distinct from the Divine, but symbolic abstractions of " The Divine Nature ".

The Pleroma is home to; The Most High Father, Bythos, Depthness, Profundity; The Undivided Consciousness, The Unlimited Potentialities and The Unlimited Possibilities; The True World of The True Spiritual Reality; "The All" that is a Perfect Order. 
Where the so call " I " does NOT exist.

  Basilidian wrote;

  " ...The Divinity Beyond Being; 'There was when naught was; nay, even that 'naught' was not aught of things that are [even in the world of reality]. But nakedly, conjecture and mental quibbling apart, there was absolutely not even the One [the Logos of the world of reality]. And when I use the term 'was,' I do not mean to say that it was [that is to say, in any state of being]; but merely to give some suggestion of what I wish to indicate, I use the expression 'there was absolutely naught.' For that 'naught' is not simply the so-called Ineffable; it is beyond that. For that which is really ineffable is not named Ineffable, but is superior to every name that is used'... "

Hippolytus summarizes this condition of non-being, which transcends all being from the original treatise as follows:

" ...Naught was, neither matter, nor substance, nor voidness of substance, nor simplicity, nor impossibility-of-composition, nor inconceptibility, nor imperceptibility, neither man, nor angel, nor god; in fine, neither anything at all for which man has ever found a name, nor any operation which falls within the range either of his perception or conception. Such, or rather far more removed from the power of man's comprehension, was the state of non-being, when [if we can speak of 'when' in a state beyond time and space] the Deity beyond being, without thinking, or feeling, or determining, or choosing, or being compelled, or desiring, willed to create universality... "

" ...When I use the term will, writes Basilides, 'I do so merely to suggest the idea of an operation transcending all volition, thought, or sensible action. And this universality also was not [our] dimensional and differentiable universe, which subsequently came into existence and was separated [from other universes], but the Seed of all universes.', see The Divinity Beyond Being... "

In The Tripartite Tractate:

" ...He alone is the one who knows himself as he is, along with his Form and his greatness and his magnitude.

And since he has the ability to conceive of himself, to see himself, to name himself, to comprehend himself, he alone is the one who is his own mind, his own eye, his own mouth, his own Form, and he is what he thinks, what he sees, what he speaks, what he grasps, himself, the one who is inconceivable, ineffable, incomprehensible, immutable, while sustaining, joyous, true, delightful, and restful is that which he conceives, that which he sees, that about which he speaks, that which he has as thought. He transcends all wisdom, and is above all intellect, and is above all glory, and is above all beauty, and all sweetness, and all greatness, and any depth and any height,
see The Most High Father in Gnosticism... "

   In principle, the way as I see it is that; The Unmanifest Absolute, aspect - A, The Pleroma is seeing as Masculine-Principal, see Masculine and Feminine.

   The Manifest Absolute; aspect - BThe Kenoma  in A+B  and all other aspects below are seeing as a Feminine Principle. In principle, the Kenoma is of the same vibration as The Pleroma.
    I think that The Kenoma is home to common consciousness for all the spiritual beings located below The Pleroma. Any creation below The Kenoma is a grossly distorted reflection of The Pleroma, creating; I would call, the cosmic duality. Also, a Feminine-Principle known as Sophia-Achamoth or Divine Wisdom is on charge of it.

From my perspective and from where I stand;

" The Pleroma " is home to The Highest Undivided Consciousness. The Pleroma Aeons are creators of many Spiritual Multiverses.

Each Spiritual Multiverse is home to many Spiritual Universes. Each Spiritual Universe is home to many Spiritual and Material Dimensions; that makes " The Pleroma " expandable to Infinity. Any Higher Consciousness level is aware about all activities in any of the Lower Consciousness levels.

"The Kenoma" as a Common Consciousness to everything located below "The Pleroma" is managed by
a "Feminine-Principle" known as The Sophia-Achamoth or a Divine-Wisdom.

Each material dimension consist of billions of stars, planets and life forms.
Non of the live forms duplicate themselfs; they all, are different.

   Another way looking at it.
   The Multiverses, Universes and Dimensions are different levels of consciousness. It is easier to picture it like an onion layers, in which outer layer extends to infinity.
   The most inner layer is the matter. The living matter is the lowest layer of consciousness; see it as crystallized living and non living energies. The incarnated Souls, when freed from this crystallized living consciousness that dwells in the matter, Us; could be transferred into any dimension that is located in any of the multiverses, and incarnate again in a most living intelligent a species in that dimension.
   That way the Soul acquire immense knowledge which would be followed by so call " The Christ-Consciousness ".
   Therefore, the Soul will be freed from further incarnations and transferred to the most advance layer of the consciousness; the outer layer of infinity, "The Pleroma". Only proper conduct; good Karma toward other people can lead to that kind of a final conclusion.

   Any Multiverse consists of; a Central Spirit World aspect " C " on my chart, birthplace of Souls.
   After initial education in Central Spirit World, the Souls are redistributed into 7 Spiritual Universes and into 7 Spritual Dimensions, which in turn are overlaying another 7 Material Dimensions.
   The Souls, known as traveller Souls, can and do travel, incarnate and reincarnate in advance life forms in any of the Material Dimansions in any of the Multiverses located below "The Kenoma", the " B " on my chart.
   All of the Multiverses, Universes and Material Dimensions are interlocked with each other, similar to links in a chain like relationship.

  Manifest Absolute - The Kenoma: - A+B, Aspect B, is Home to, Kenoma local Consciousness, Kenoma local Potentialities and Kenoma local Possibilities. Aspect - B in Kenoma A+B, is Sophia Achamoth.

The Divine Spark is; see Ancient Christna. The role of " The Divine Spark " is to inform Souls, in the Noetic Absolute about existence of The Pleroma and the existence of;

... The Eternal, ‘The Only One’, ‘The Most High’, Not begotten, Nor created, Nor conceived, Divine, Full of Grace, ‘The Pleroma Ineffable Most High Father’ and ‘The Pleroma Ineffable Most High Mother’ Almighty; ‘The Supreme Source’; The Undivided Consciousness, The Unlimited Potentialities and The Unlimited Possibilities; The Creator of ‘The Pleroma’ and of ‘The All’ that is a Perfect Order; The Life of life, The Light of The Mind, and The pure Love, and The pure Compassion ...

Basilidian wrote:

" ...For the world shall hold together and not be dissolved until the whole Sonship--which has been left behind to benefit the souls in the state of formlessness, and to receive benefits, by evolving forms for them [the spirit requiring a psychic vehicle for conscious contact with this plane]--shall follow after and imitate Jesus Christ, and hasten upward and come forth purified. [For by purification] it becometh most subtle, so that it is able to speed aloft through its own power, even as the first Sonship; for it hath all its power naturally consubsistent with the Light which shone down from above... "The Final Consummation

   Noetic Absolute: A+B+C, Home to aspect C-The Source, Father of our Souls, Noetic Absolute local Consciousness, Noetic Absolute local Potentialities and Noetic Absolute local Possibilities. In most esoteric religions. The Creator of our visible Universes or Dimensions.
   To a few esoteric religions the Noetic Absolute, "C" on the chart is home to; The Father, The God, Da'at (the mystical state) for ten sephirot in the Tree of Life. The Source; but if manifested, The Presence. Also, in antiquity and even now to some people is known as El Alyon. Like I said above; The Source but if manifested, The Presence ("C", on my chart) is a powerful masculine principle, beyond our comprehension. Intelligent Living Light Spiritual Energy. I see Him as a respectful Father of our Souls, a God but not The Most High God.
   Because of my 16 years long personal spiritual experience known as "The Bridal Chamber", initiated and conducted by the spirit world, fully predetermined; I believe in syncretism of many esoteric religions known as gnosticism. Therefore, I know that "The Most High God", "The Most High Father" dwells in "The Pleroma" and is known to gnostics as "The One".

Basilidian wrote:

." ...but let no mortal think that he can comprehend so great a being, "for he is more ineffable than ineffables, more potent than potencies, wiser than the wise, superior to every excellence that one can name... "

   Quoting The Basilidian 2000 years ago, read: The Great Ruler | The Demiurge in Valentinianism | Ptolemy's Letter to Flora.

Also, on the existence of The Pleroma and The Most High Presence, The Most High Father quoted by The Basilidian 2000 years ago, read: The Divinity Beyond Being.

In 2nd century A.D. Irenaeus in Against Heresies wrote:


 ...He was in the image of the only-begotten Son, and the angels and archangels created by him were in the image of the rest of the AEons. They affirm, that he was constituted the Father and God of everything outside of the Pleroma, being the Creator of all animal and material substances... From this circumstance they style him Metropator,(5) Apator, Demiurge, and Father, saying that he is Father of the substances on the right hand, that is, of the animal, but Demiurge of those on the left, that is, of the material, while he is at the same time the king of all... "

" ...Gnostic mythos

see Sophia (Gnosticism).

   In most versions of the Gnostic mythos, it is Sophia who brings about this instability in the Pleroma, in turn bringing about the creation of materiality. According to some Gnostic texts, the crisis occurs as a result of Sophia trying to emanate without her syzygy or, in another tradition, because she tries to breach the barrier between herself and the unknowable Bythos. After cataclysmically falling from the Pleroma, Sophia's fear and anguish of losing her life (just as she lost the light of the One) causes confusion and longing to return to it. Because of these longings, matter (Greek: hyl, λη) and soul (Greek: psych, ψυχ) accidentally come into existence. The creation of the Demiurge (also known as Yaldabaoth, "Son of Chaos") is also a mistake made during this exile. The Demiurge proceeds to create the physical world in which we live, ignorant of Sophia, who nevertheless manages to infuse some spiritual spark or pneuma into his creation.Almost all Gnostic systems of the Syrian or Egyptian type taught that the universe began with an original, unknowable God, referred to as the Parent or Bythos, or as the Monad by Monoimus. From this initial unitary beginning, the One spontaneously emanated further Aeons, being pairs of progressively 'lesser' beings in sequence. Together with the source from which they emanate they form the Pleroma, or fullness, of God, and thus should not be seen as distinct from the divine, but symbolic abstractions of the divine nature. The transition from the immaterial to the material, from the noumenal to the sensible, is brought about by a flaw, or a passion, or a sin, in one of the Aeons.

In the Pistis Sophia, Christ is sent from the Godhead in order to bring Sophia back into the fullness (Pleroma). Christ enables her to again see the light, bringing her knowledge of the spirit (Greek: pneuma, πνευμα). Christ is then sent to earth in the form of the man Jesus to give men the Gnosis needed to rescue themselves from the physical world and return to the spiritual world. In Gnosticism, the Gospel story of Jesus is itself allegorical: it is the Outer Mystery, used as an introduction to Gnosis, rather than being literally true in a historical context. For the Gnostics, the drama of the redemption of the Sophia through Christ or the Logos is the central drama of the universe. The Sophia resides in all of us as the Divine Spark... "

   Cosmos Duality: A+B+C+D: Home to aspect D: Well, as of old we could look also into Valentinianism, a protology philosophy around year 140 AD, teaches that; the Pleroma's Anthropos and Ecclesia became parents to six pairs of Masculine-Feminine Aeons means the youngest Aeon known as The Sophia-Wisdom would become a 12th Eaon, but in Sethianism. In principle, She IS The Mother of everything below The Pleroma.
   Her action stemmed from a pure love to The Most High Father, and attempting to see Her Father without participation of Her consort; which could be seen as an attempt to impose Her Feminine-Principle over Her consort Masculine-Principle.
   It has a potential of becoming the so call high " I " which was a no no, the so call high " I " is not existent in Pleroma. All Pleroma Aeons are known as " The All ", and are seen as a unity, unified as and known as " The One "; She could as well be reabsorbed into pure light of The Most High Father.
   Therefore, Her nevertheless noble attempt gave birth to unwanted energies. Those energies were immediately removed and relocated by The Most High Father to an empty space below The Pleroma known as The Kenoma. Keep in mind that Pleroma's nature IS regarded as a Masculine-Principle.
   In the entire, all Multiverses; only The Pleroma " Most High Father " can step out from His Androgyne form whenever He wishes so. All others must have consent of theirs Consorts.
   Note here; the manifestation of The Most High Father of love to everything that came to existence; He could destroy those unwanted energies, but He did not destroy them.
   As, a consequence of those activities much later in time we had the so called series of " Big-Bangs ". Pleroma's Sophia-Wisdom daughter, known as The Sophia-Achamoth was put on charge, on management of The Kenoma and everything else below The Kenoma.
   Therefore, in Valentinians protological philosophy it makes Her a thirteenth Aeon, looking from the top down but; She dwells one level below The Pleroma known as The Kenoma, in some religions known as eight level, but in the Lower Ogdoad; She works extremely hard to fix the prior error, strive to achieve redemption of all the Spirits that either, descended or came to an existence below The Pleroma.
   The purified living intelligent energies sequentially stay in:
Pleroma's Sophia-Wisdom did stay in Unmanifest Absolute - A.
The rest of purified and unpurified living intelligent energies were relocted to The Kenoma - B and Noetic Absolute - C.
Some partially purified and unpurified living intelligent energies landed in the Cosmos Duality: C+D+E: aspects, D. I consider aspect D, shaded area on the sketch, a home to all exoteric religions. Home to 7 spiritual dimensions, overlaying 7 material dimensions.
   And, perhaps home to so call Sethian Demiourgos, a God of all exoteric religions, see "Higher and Lower Psychism".
   In principle He IS just; I would say He is strict in His principles.
   Keep in mind, that the potential of becoming an high " I " is manifested in some spirits located in "Higher and Lower Psychism" or Archons; confined to below so called portals.
   Then, as further separating from Unmanifest Absolute, Manifest Absolute-The Kenoma and Noetic Absolute; came to the existence Cosmos Duality: A+B+C+D+E, Home to aspect - E; Series of side by side Big-Bangs. Creating 7 material dimensions interlocked together similar to, links in a chain links. Dark ( unknown ) energy. In a fraction of a second conversion of non material chaotic energies to matter and antimatter, ancient collision between matter and antimatter, sun nuclear fusion generating neutrinos and other cosmic living and nonliving intelligent and non intelligent energies which are manifested in tatality as The Archons
   Aspect E, in shaded area on the sketch, manifested itself as some earthbound spirits confined to matter. Known to some, me included as, the "Lower Psychism" or Archons.

Quotation below is a best proof of the existence of The Noetic Absolute The Presence. Note, I do not consider The Presence as the Demiurge. I am certain the Demiurge rules as an aspect " D " on my sketch, which is one level below The Presence, see "Higher and Lower Psychism".

   The opinion of Basilidian on the Demiurge as it was 2000 years ago, see The Great Ruler | The Demiurge in Valentinianism | Ptolemy's Letter to Flora .

   The pure sound, that creates all of the energies, is The Most High Father's " Feminine-Principle " that animates whole Multiverse, including, see " The All " in The Pleroma.

The manifestation of First Space, aspect " C " is seen by some as the lower or middle Pleroma ( note: The Most High Father, aspect " A " was not manifested yet ), is also seen in; the Bridal-Chamber, as well in the regions of the First Commandment and up to the regions of the First Mystery which is the Mystery of the Father. Within the Veil, within the First Commandment say: " To Love God above all things, and thy neighbour as thyself " then the Sixth Mystery, which is the manifestation of Second Space, aspects " D and E ": The Spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. Do not fall into temptation ", think Karma, Soul incarnation and reincarnation. The soul, sex, temptation, downfall and regeneration are found hidden within the Sixth Mystery. see Pistis Sophia and Mysteries.

   I think the Feminine-Principle, from ancient times, is known as The Holy Ghost, which uses this ( unknown ) dark energy and dark matter to position, form, shape, and permeates everything. Then, we came to existence, Us; from that primordial cosmic soup of this organic world located in the inorganic part of the universe, we came into existence. We are one of the living species composed; of the Soul, the carrier of a Spirit that incarnates into Homo Sapiens, a species, Us. Therefore, we are made up of intelligent living energies like Soul, Spirit, and Matter.

Mme. Blavatsky:

" ...Man is also triune: he has his objective, physical body; his vitalizing astral body (or soul), the real man; and these two are brooded over and illuminated by the third -- the sovereign, the immortal spirit.
   When the real man succeeds in merging himself with the latter, he becomes an immortal entity... "
" ...Christ - the true esoteric SAVIOUR? - is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the 'sepulchre' of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him. The 'Son of Man' is no child of the bond-woman - flesh, but verily of the free-woman - Spirit, the child of man's own deeds, and the fruit of his own spiritual labour. Blavatsky, Collected Writings, 8:173. see Son... "


   More than one great scholar has stated that there never was a religious founder, whether Aryan, Semitic or Turanian, who had invented a new religion or revealed a new truth. These founders were all transmitters, not original teachers. They were the authors of new forms and interpretations, while the truths upon which the latter were based were as old as humanity. Selecting one or more of those grand verities -- actualities visible only to the eye of the real Sage and Seer -- out of the many orally revealed to man in the beginning, preserved and perpetuated in the adyta of the temples through initiation, during the MYSTERIES and by personal transmission -- they revealed these truths to the masses. Thus every nation received in its turn some of the said truths, under the veil of its own local and special symbolism, which, as time went on, developed into a more or less philosophical cultus, a Pantheon in mythical disguise.

--Secret Doctrine

And again:

" ...CHRISTNA. Epoch: Uncertain. European science fears to commit itself. But the Brahmanical calculations fix it at about 6,877 years ago... "

As well,

   " ...Thus, Christos, as a unity, is but an abstraction: a general idea representing the collective aggregation of the numberless spirit-entities, which are the direct emanations of the infinite, invisible, incomprehensible FIRST CAUSE -- the individual spirits of men, erroneously called the souls. They are the divine sons of God, of which some only overshadow mortal men -- but this the majority -- some remain forever planetary spirits, and some -- the smaller and rare minority -- unite themselves during life with some men. Such God-like beings as Gautama-Buddha, Jesus, Tissoo, Christna, and a few others had united themselves with their spirits permanently -- hence, they became gods on earth. Others, such as Moses, Pythagoras, Apollonius, Plotinus, Confucius, Plato, Iamblichus, and some Christian saints, having at intervals been so united, have taken rank in history as demi-gods and leaders of mankind. When unburthened of their terrestrial tabernacles, their freed souls, henceforth united forever with their spirits, rejoin the whole shining host, which is bound together in one spiritual solidarity of thought and deed, and called 'the anointed.' Hence, the meaning of the Gnostics, who, by saying that 'Christos' suffered spiritually for humanity, implied that his Divine Spirit suffered mostly... "

In reference to above statement I do disagree. I would say that my enlightenment, came to me in a manner I call; a lengthly, 15 years, 24x7 attempt of trying to take over my mind by the archonic spirit entities. The enlightenment can come, either by a descent or an ascent both at the same time, in a dual state. That is exactly the way did happen to me.

In his article reposted on this website, with author' permission, he states:

" ...The achievement of gnosis in three stages of enlightenment, whether conveyed by a descent or an ascent, is not as such the legacy of Plato to these Barbeloite treatises, since this feature is found also in Jewish and Christian apocalyptic. Rather, the peculiar legacy of Plato is to be found in the basically emanationistic metaphysical ontology that structures the transcendent world of these treatises. In the final section, it will be suggested that the three-stage descent scheme of these treatises is basically un-Platonic, on the other hand, in these treatises, the three-stage ascent, although found in Jewish and Christian apocalyptic, is of Platonic inspiration insofar as the knower at each stage assimilates to his own being the form of being proper to the level at which he finds himself , see Three Stages of Enlightenment... "

Two Becomes Three - The Reflection in Matter of Cosmic Creation,
see Sound and Harmony

   The union of spirit with matter in form produces consciousness (the Son aspect). The entire human process of reproduction and birth is laden with reflective symbols of the Cosmic creation. During the process of creation, the Masculine - Feminine polarization occurs, in turn reflecting the properties of spirit and matter respectively as the Masculine and Feminine poles.

   Symbolically, Man as a species represents the Son aspect (the fecundation of matter and spirit), because, of all a species forms, the indwelling God is most fully present in the human a species. Man represents the half way point between the tiny atom of matter and the Cosmic Atom of the universe. It is said:

" ...The Whole Creation Groaneth... awaiting the coming of the Sons of God... "

   That is because man in the collective sense literally becomes the "hands and feet" of God on the Earth plane - the middle ground of manifestation between the microcosm of the atom and the macrocosm of galaxies and galactic clusters. When fully Divinized, the individual human becomes an instrument of the Divine on Earth, carrying out the Divine purpose. Man becomes the middle entity between Spirit and Matter. In this threesome, we find the trinity of the Christian religion: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. The matter is the Holy Ghost because it is the shadow (ghost) of spirit and is matter consisting of living atoms imbued with all the intelligence emanating from the Creator (hence, for example, the complex crystal forms and atomic bonding forming molecules capable of reproducing themselves).

The Trinity of Manifestation

Spirit Consciousness Matter
Father Son Holy Ghost

   In Vedic thought the trinity is spoken of in terms of the stages of the cyclic appearances of the manifested universe spun out from the One entity called Brahman, Brahmam and other various titles by diverse religions. Brahman is said to be above, below, behind and within all manifestation. In the Vedas, the three stages of the manifested universe are identified as - creation (Brahma), preservation (Vishnu or Mahavishnu), destruction (Shiva or Rudra). These stages may also be denoted as Generation, Organization, Destruction, which in their entirety make up the One - G. O. D.

Esoteric Christianity utterings:

 I think that Divine Spark is the manifestation of a Higher Spirit, see Ancient Christna. In my opinion allegorizing to a Spirit that dwell's in our incarnated Souls. Soul as a median intelligent energy is needed for the Spirit to be able to descend to the living matter. The Soul and the Spirit need each other in order to manifest themselves in the living matter.

   So, I started developing an interest in following up on the first 200 years of Christianity. Therefore, the chart on the left reflects what I believe. Extensive reading on Esoteric Christianity about Valentinius, Basillideans, and others makes me think that our World, the Planet Earth, is run by Spirits, aspect D in A+B+C+D that are confined to matter. For 15 years, I have been in touch with spirit entities. On several occasions, while flying above 33 thousand feet, the connection between me and the communicating spirits was cut off. I have no doubt those spirits are confined to this planet earth and run all exoteric religions and occults, in this organic World located in the inorganic part of the universe. It seems that what is conceived on earth stays on earth.

A word of Caution:
   Soon you move from exoteric ( where you have a faithful priest mediating on your behalf ) religious practice and beliefs into esoteric spiritual practice and ideas; you ARE on your own. I guarantee you that some earthbound spirits immediately will attach themselves to you and WILL try to instill this so call high " I " into you. Telling you that you are the master of the Universe, that you are the God that descended to this earth plain; test all spirits before any engagement with them.
   One needs to realize that all Spirits can manifest the workings of a Creator, The Father, The Source, The God. That is what did happen to me. So, be aware of it. Ultimately we all pray to the same Creator, The Father, The Source, The God.
   A Tridentine Mass. A beautiful manifestation of faith toward an unknown God;
see Tridentine Mass Vs. Vatican II Mass.

   With Us, came to existance the "Elementary", the "Shell", the "Spook", read below.

    I think that challenges and difficulties of Karma, are imposed on us by a medium or a mediator by way of the "Elementary", the "Shell", the "Spook"; the animal elements or power of desire..., absorbing after death, after the Soul departed, that which it has collected ( through its insatiable desire to live ) during life, i.e. all the astral vitality as well as all the impressions of its material acts and thoughts..., forms the dregs of the animal mind; the "Elementary", the "Shell", the "Spook" or Kama rupa, this has life in it, but in varying degrees hardly any consciousness and is confined to matter.
Denying Soul's ability to incarnate and reincarnate, could motivate a medium or a mediator and must drawn into the currents of its thoughts, when as it were by proxy the "Elementary", the "Shell", the "Spook" in order to impose on us theirs will.
   Mediumship; animal, uncontrolled, negative and automatic, the "Lower Psychism", by way of the "Elementary", the "Shell", the "Spook" could take a negative approach. It could attack your Soul through your flesh, by instilling in your mind thought of, suicide, narcissism, extreme selfishness, anger, reckoning it all together; bad Karma, like taking advantage of people when they are the most vulnerable, and other evil works.
   Mediatorship; Semi-Divine, controlled, intelligently applied, positive, the "Higher Psychism", by way of the "Elementary", the "Shell", the "Spook" will do positive work: good Karma, like to motivate you to be compassionate, loving, forgiving, etc.
   Keep in mind that a mediator could also act as a medium for its own reasons, think (testing).

The Universal Law of Harmony

   This law supersedes even the fundamental law of Karma. Since " true goodwill " is intrinsically good, its value is self-contained and independent of its external relations. Therefore, " true goodwill " is the utmost potential for balance. The purpose of Karma is to attain harmony. If you throw a rock into a still pond, you will disturb the peace of that pond; you are the cause. The effect of it would be a splash and a series of waves on the surface of this pond; water waves would flow back and forth until the harmony of this pond is re-established to normal. Consequently, your incompatible actions with " true goodwill " will flow into the Universe and eventually fall back on you, lifetime after lifetime, until your own " true goodwill " is back.


  " ...More than one great scholar has stated that there never was a religious founder, whether Aryan, Semitic or Turanian, who had invented a new religion, or revealed a new truth. These founders were all transmitters, not original teachers. They were the authors of new forms and interpretations, while the truths upon which the latter were based were as old as mankind. Selecting one or more of those grand verities -- actualities visible only to the eye of the real Sage and Seer -- out of the many orally revealed to man in the beginning, preserved and perpetuated in the adyta of the temples through initiation, during the mysteries and by personal transmission -- they revealed these truths to the masses. Thus every nation received in its turn some of the said truths, under the veil of its own local and special symbolism; which, as time went on, developed into a more or less philosophical cultus, a Pantheon in mythical disguise... " '--Secret Doctrine'

Mme. Blavatsky

" ...The origin of all religions — Judaeo-Christianity included — is to be found in a few primeval truths, not one of which can be explained apart from all the others, as each is a complement of the rest in some one detail. And they are all, more or less, broken rays of the same Sun of truth, and their beginnings have to be sought in the archaic records of the Wisdom-religion. Without the light of the latter, the greatest scholars can see but the skeletons thereof covered with masks of fancy, and based mostly on personified Zodiacal signs... "

The Blessed Virgin Mary, as a portrayal of The Divine Feminine; must be recognized in dogma of
the Church, as a Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix participating in the works of Jesus Christ.

 " The workings of the human body are an analogy for the workings of the universe. " -- 
  Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)  

   " ...The true prophet has no need for sanctimoniousness. We call it exactly as we see it, and if the language offends, we have absolutely no care, because it is not the prophet's duty to please people but to inform them of what they can expect when they continue to act as ever they have acted for thousands of years.
   And, it is a greater one who is not afraid to be ribald, than one who pretends to be holy. And that is the measure of the False Prophet, for the False Prophet is one who knows not how to laugh, to be all people to all people, and has no respect for the truly serious and solemn and the sublime, yet pretends to be serious when it comes time to reprimanding everybody else, calling them all sinners, while he sins in his closet, and takes himself so seriously that one expose too many eventually unmasks him and takes him out.
   To be a Son of God, one must come down to the level of the Sons of Men and find them fair (fair game for pranks in some, but not all, cases.) (and not only the Daughters of Men, are to be sought, either.) ...

~~~Count Welldone. Past Regent of the Ordre des Illumines Veritas.
... "

But, since our planet has opposite aspects of duality, we must include dark energy activities in everything we do ...


  • by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.; " What is Black Goo? ".

  • The activities of A.I. negative energy on our planet Earth.

    "... All the time, night, and day, the activities of A.I. negative energy pings-pulses are applied to all living matter and spirits ( archons ) on our earth plane; but, for 12 mins. I detected no archons activities at 6 mins. (0.54 ) before every hour until 6 mins. ( 0.06 mins.) after the hour, every hour, for the last 15 years.

    In general, we can split 24 hours day period into three 8 hrs zones; 6 mins. past midnight till 6 mins. to 8 am.; then 6 mins. past 8 am. till 6 mins. to 4 pm.; then again 6 mins. past 4 pm. till 6 mins. till midnight; each zone splits into 3 hours of activities, each hour splits into 48 active minutes, with 6 mins. silence before the hour and 6 mins. silence after the hour. I detected the strongest negative energy is in the mid. ( :30 ) of every hour, this is offseted by Sun energy by 1/2 spacing apart of 12 hours. ..."

    Our Spiritual Path, see Spiritual Path and Michael Newton Journey of Souls #02 - Case Studies.

In summary:

    Sublimely Divine Intuitive Wisdom of The Holy Ghost, " The Feminine-Principle, " MUST take over the power from the brute force of the " Lower Psychism "
" Masculine-Principle," which IS confined to matter, imposed on Us, the homo-sapiens, by any establishment accepting the ancient Babylonian power grub energy into its systems and operations. No matter whether it was a civilian or ecclesiastical organization. The ancient Babylonian energy will pervert any organization's intentions into wrong acclivities like wars, blood sacrifices, revenge, fear, suffering, etc. Therefore, this ancient Babylonian energy tries to wrestle the Nurturing-Preserving powers from the " Feminine Principle " of The Holy Ghost, a Nurturing-Preserving Force, and turn it into the antique Babylonian-style male destructive force. I can see this ancient Babylonian-style male lethal force manifesting in governments and countries with massive armies and huge protological, soteriological, eschatological, and ecclesiastical organizations.
   Our Souls have free will, just as we have it. Forcefully sending massive numbers of Souls back home is very dangerous. Suppose the Souls start refusing to incarnate on our Earth. Therefore, stop importing good, loving energy to Earth; this Earth will become animal-like, dog-eat-dog, beastie, barren, bleak, and lifeless. A loving Soul consciousness would vanish from this Earth. Despite that, The Oneness rules the spirit world. The lobbyists in many governments are working towards the same goal: of one religion, one power-hungry government, having as a long-term agenda, contrary to
" genuine goodwill "; without doubt influenced by this 6 min. past midnight spirit, which, whenever possible, manifested itself to me for 15 years; precisely at the same time that I felt throughout my spiritual enlightenment; also, I saw in my www.gnosticq.ca web-generated graphs how negative dark energy is affecting our subconscious, as well Time-Line of spirit world management of our world affairs. Also, see the spirit world generated graph " The Way of The Sun ".

But there is hope.

So the humanity can live; as the Adi Da Samraj said:
    " No individual should live as the superior, or the inferior, or even the equal, of all others. Rather, each should live as the intimate servant of others through love. The true politics of human relationships is the politics of servants everywhere--every one serving, and every one served. "
(From "The Incarnation of Love")

Think for yourself and do not quickly accept ideas. Test all things:
; hold fast what is good. (1 Thes. 5:21)

Reincarnation In The Bible

The End of The Age Pisces, The Grand Ages and the coming of Aquarius is here.

" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations. She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God. She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well as
the Cosmological cause of All Creation. "

Warning!  ... The Gnosticism, a potential Archonic power grab over your mind ...

" Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. " --Robert A. Heinlein

" I neither know nor think that I know. " --Socrates

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Luke 6:31(NIV); " Do to others as you would have them do to you. " ...
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